Earth Connection is a school of primitive skills and wilderness survival located in Northern Virginia and North Carolina (Raleigh/Durham area) that has been in existence for over a decade. Our hands-on classes are reasonably priced because we don't believe in big price tags for primitive skills. That's just not natural!

Monday, July 06, 2009

Wild Brew 101 -- NEW CLASS

A Brand Spanking New Class that introduces the art of home brewing wine, mead, and beer. We do this classic class our own way using wild plants for the flavoring. Come and learn the basics of fermentation and create your own special brew. At the end of the day, students will go home with a few brewski's they truly can call their own. (21 and older only!)

For those who cannot wait:

Nettle Beer Recipe

  • a mess of nettle tops
  • 2 1/2 gallons of water
  • 3 lbs of sugar (or equivalent in Honey)
  • 50g cream of tartar
  • 15g of beer yeast or brewer's yeast (you can chance a harvest your own at your "own risk")
Bring Nettles and water to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes.
strain Nettles and bring liquid back to boil... add sugar and cream of tartar.
simmer and stir until it is all dissolved.
let cool to warm... add yeast, stirring well.
fill your bottles with vapor lock and let brew for a few week to three months.
when bubbles of CO2 slow to a minimum, cap or cork bottle.
let age for a while and enjoy fruits of your labor.

You can learn so much more at the class. See you there.
Dont Drink and Do Primitive Skills!


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Interesting article you got here. It would be great to read more about that topic. The only thing this blog needs is some pictures of some gadgets.
Jeff Stepman
Cell phone blocker